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Leadership Simulation

What is a Leadership Simulation?

Athletes practice 95% of the time and perform the other 5%. However, we ask our leaders to perform 99% of the time and they almost never get a chance to practice.

The leadership simulation creates a state of the art active learning environment that maximizes learning by giving first hand opportunities to test your leadership skill and gain immediate feedback from those your leading, your peers in the room and the expert facilitators in the group. 

The situations are simulated to remove the technical skill leaders often rely on in the workplace and help them more quickly and effectively develop their leadership skills. The experience is highly immersive thrusting leaders into roles within a fictional work environment, ramping up their stress levels and asking them to lead teams as they would in the real world.

"The Situations are Simulated, the Learning is Real."

What Our Clients Are Saying

Managing Director of Stuttgart Stock Exchange

“The Leadership Simulation was an eye-opener for me personally and for my colleagues, and at the same time, since all managers participated in this format, we knew where we stood with the entire organization.”

Executive of International Automobile Group

"The Leadership Simulation holds a mirror up to your eyes. Amazing training, highly recommended!"

Making Work Work Better

Starts With a Conversation

Speak with one of our consultants. We can help you solve your most pressing people problems. 

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